Tips For Socializing New Dogs During COVID-19
While training a new pup can be difficult already, COVID-19 restrictions give training a new hurdle to jump. With lockdowns across the country and restrictions on socializing, it can be exceedingly difficult to socialize a new pup. When canines are not properly socialized, they can become protective, overly aggressive, or extremely stressed. So the burning question is, "how do you socialize a dog during a pandemic"? We've compiled some tips to explore how to properly socialize your little guy during the strange times we're all experiencing.
1.) Go For Frequent, Short Car Rides
Getting your pup in a car and driving around your neighborhood can accomplish two things in one: getting your dog used to traveling by car, and the ability to see other humans and non-humans walking around. Doing this even once or twice a week can have a tremendous impact on your pup, and make those trips to the vet easier.
2.) Crate Train Your Buddy
Crate training teaches dogs that the crate is their safe space, leaving them being more open to new stimuli outside of the crate. This dog psychology tactic can prevent your dog from barking or growling at company that may come into your home.
3.) Take A Walk
Expose your little guy to at least one new stimuli per day. Take a walk each day at least, and make sure your dog gets to see something that they have not yet experienced. Plan your walk one morning for when the trash truck comes, plan with your neighbor to walk your dogs at the same time (while being socially distanced), or walk on a street with more traffic than your dog is used to seeing.
4.) Find Creative Ways To Show Your Dog That People Are Good
The most useful trick for this is to take your dog on a walk, and every time a stranger passes, give him/her a treat. This will help reinstate that people are good to your dog.
We hope that these tips help get you through training your pup during COVID-19. Thank you for supporting our custom dog pillows and custom cat pillows.
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